Friday, March 13, 2015

Bad Romance With My Cleaning List

Hello, Mamas! It's March, and that can mean only one thing: SPRING IS UPON US!


Which means... Uuuugh.

I definitely have the disorganization skills of a manic ferret, but every few weeks, I get the urge to throw off the clutter and make room for MORE clutter. Take this week, for instance: My front room and dinner table are COVERED in.Girl Scout Cookies, waiting to be delivered. We ate on the couch, which is something I swore I would never do.

On the other hand, I do love making lists. I also love scratching off the things on said list. It gives me a huge sense of satisfaction to see a (mostly) crossed-off To Do List. After Beans was born, I decided to make a list of things I accomplished for the day, instead of things I had to do. Not only did it make me feel good to get some things done when I could, but I didn't feel overwhelmed by putting so much more on my shoulders as a new mom. I did the same when Monster Girl was first born. Now that she's over a year old, it's time to shove off excuses, and get things done.

.....I just have no idea where to start. HERE COMES PINTEREST TO SAVE THE DAY!! (I hope)

Follow Emyle's board Hire a Maid on Pinterest.

I started this board back when I was nesting like crazy! It's time to pull some of them out and get started! SPRING CLEANING POSTS INCOMING! :D
Love Ya, Mamas!

P.S.- Doing more than one big task with children running around is liable to cause insanity and extreme fatigue. Do not undertake more than one task at a time.

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