Saturday, January 24, 2015

Healthy Me Week 3: Disclaimer Post

My dear Mamas,
I realize that my wellness journey may seem a bit rushed, as I frantically click-clack away at my keyboard to pour out my excitement in each post. But,  I wanted to make sure my intentions for this un-diet were perfectly clear. I do not want to misinform anyone out there who reads my blog, and thinks I'm intentionally rushing myself. SO! Here is week 3, and a disclaimer for my un-diet:

I, Emyle Prata, am in no way a certified physician, and the health plan posted here has been discussed with both a lactation counselor and my physician to ensure that I am not hurting my body, or my milk supply, which could in turn lead to undernourishment of my child. I am going under the guideline of 'One year to gain, one year to heal and lose', to ensure that I am not going to cause irreparable and/or long-term damage to my body.

My posts are for inspiration as well as starting points to talk with your own healthcare practitioner about how you can lose the weight, if you want to, after having a baby. I know that one size does not fit all in the world of wellness.
So! Do what works for you, Mamas. We'll get to our goals together. Love ya!

Weigh In:
Starting Weight in January: 178
Last Week's Weight: 174
This Week's Weight: 170

I did a double take this morning when I stepped on the scale. There was no way I lost four pounds this week!? So, I stepped off, and on again. And again. And again. Yup. 170. Wow.
When I looked back on my MyFitnessApp, I never met my 'goal' for calorie intake. I was always about 300-500 less than the goal. This is all because of how much I walk at work, and nursing! That's pretty awesome, if you ask me, and more motivation to keep going!!

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