When you think of Country, what comes to mind? CMT? Nashville? Maybe the twangy, folksy tunes that come on the radio? That's what most think of, I guess. But not me.
No, this ol' gal thinks of wide spaces, small towns, and living off the land. And it's been calling me for ages. That thick pull on your heartstrings, making your body just ache and your mind say, 'We need to be out there'.
Lately, that's been happening to me a lot. Oh, God, there's nothing I want more than to grow my own veggies and herbs, store 'em, cook up supper in a kitchen with a tub sink and a wide stove (like the kind I played around at Great Grandma's house up in Isom, Kentucky). I want to let my girls run around, carefree, outside to play. No fences, just a treeline, or a path between the pines. I want them to grow up like I did.
It's so often during my day that I feel my soul cry out, 'PLEASE! Just take me back home!'. I know I'll never be satisfied in my life until I let that earth crumble in my hands. I don't know if my city-slicker husband will ever understand this, but at least I've got him enjoying a small town lifestyle now.
See, I have this idea in mind: Make small plots at a time, learn to can and preserve, re-learn sewing and taking care of my home the way I know how. Maybe my little brown roots are showing, but this list is what I feel. It's ingrained in me, and I'm slowly putting things in motion. Most of the time, though, it doesn't feel like I'm going fast enough.
Have you ever had a dream you wanted to be real in an instant?
Yeah, something like that.
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