Monday, March 23, 2015

Healthy Me Wee 11: Sugar Rush

On my healthy eating journey, I have read so much crap. What's awful for you one week is the 'superfood' of the future, and I'm tired of it.
I read articles all the time about sweeteners and aspartame are killing you, and that High Fructose Corn Syrup is the devil. But sugar is just as bad! It's like...Do I even have an option anymore?

In comes Stevia to supposedly save the day! But, the only thing it does is make you use -less-. Stevia is the same as sugar, broken down, but it's much sweeter. That makes it a win in my book!
Learn more about Stevia v. Sugar!

Weekly Weigh In:
Last Week- 171 lbs
This Week- 172 lbs

I know that doesn't look right. I'm doing what I did the first time, and I'm still gaining? Instead of getting frustrated, I think to myself, 'Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither was this body.'
As long as I lay down a positive foundation, I can build something beautiful. 


P.S.- Sorry for posting this late. I hit draft instead of post on my phone app. Eek!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy Irish Holiday!

St. Patrick's Day! The holiday for green clothes, green hair, and even green beer.
This year, I want to wish everyone a wonderful and safe holiday.

And remember, the green beer makes your poop funny colors.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Healthy Me Week 10: Getting Back Into The Groove

Hello again, Mamas! This week was tough. Not only did I have a good bit of stress on me, but I caught the stomach flu! Ugh, talk about awful. It took me four days to get over most of it, and I still suffer a little. Isn't it weird how you can't just bounce back after being hit with something like that? Despite eating yogurt to help my gut flora, I still get the queasies. Blah. At least I lost a couple pounds in the process, yeah? Yeah...that's not a healthy way to do it.

On a more positive note: I have been released to use my wrist more! Up to 20 lbs total lifting (10 lbs per hand) and all the fun stuff I used to do, like writing and typing and CROCHETING! (Oh, god, all those poor projects...) But this also means easing myself back into my Yoga poses! I'm so excited!!! Oh, I've missed it.


Last Week- 171 lbs
This Week- 169 lbs

Let's get back on the wagon, and get lower! 
Love ya, Mamas! WE CAN DO IT (again)!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Bad Romance With My Cleaning List

Hello, Mamas! It's March, and that can mean only one thing: SPRING IS UPON US!


Which means... Uuuugh.

I definitely have the disorganization skills of a manic ferret, but every few weeks, I get the urge to throw off the clutter and make room for MORE clutter. Take this week, for instance: My front room and dinner table are COVERED in.Girl Scout Cookies, waiting to be delivered. We ate on the couch, which is something I swore I would never do.

On the other hand, I do love making lists. I also love scratching off the things on said list. It gives me a huge sense of satisfaction to see a (mostly) crossed-off To Do List. After Beans was born, I decided to make a list of things I accomplished for the day, instead of things I had to do. Not only did it make me feel good to get some things done when I could, but I didn't feel overwhelmed by putting so much more on my shoulders as a new mom. I did the same when Monster Girl was first born. Now that she's over a year old, it's time to shove off excuses, and get things done.

.....I just have no idea where to start. HERE COMES PINTEREST TO SAVE THE DAY!! (I hope)

Follow Emyle's board Hire a Maid on Pinterest.

I started this board back when I was nesting like crazy! It's time to pull some of them out and get started! SPRING CLEANING POSTS INCOMING! :D
Love Ya, Mamas!

P.S.- Doing more than one big task with children running around is liable to cause insanity and extreme fatigue. Do not undertake more than one task at a time.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Tea Time!

When you think of the phrase 'tea time', do you think of older, stuffy British people, hovering around a silver tray filled with teacups and dry cookies? Funny as that mental image may be, it's mostly a time to sit down, relax, and reflect on the day. I wanted to implement this as part of my health journey, and have this as an outlet for the wellness part of my journey. These kinds of entries will include: Rants, Discussing stresses (and how to relieve them), yoga, and of course, tea blends to help with everything!

Credit: Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing via 

The advice and information given is from my own experiences, as well as research done on my own time, and under the council of a healthcare provider. With that being said, let's get things started!

Tea flavor of the day: Apple & Cinnamon

With the temperature still too low for my liking, I like to stick to the cozier flavors. And I find Apple/Cinnamon blends to be perfect! It has also been shown throughout the years that cinnamon and honey in tea can help soothe cold or flu symptoms. Talk about your Win-Win!

More benefits of Cinnamon!

Credit for Pixshark:

Flavoring your teas with sugar can be a treat, but honey can be beneficial, and healthier!

Drink Well, Mamas. Love ya!

Disclaimer: I am not a physician, and my blog posts are not meant as a diagnostic tool. I am, in no way, meaning to bring or cause harm to someone because of topics discussed. 

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Healthy Me Week 9:

Well, here we are again. Another week down, and the yo-yo continues to go back and forth. And that's ok!! As long as the numbers aren't steadily climbing, I'll be alright.
Short and sweet, Mamas. That's all there is.But there's always next week.

Weekly Weigh In
Last Week: 176 lbs
This Week: 171 lbs

Monday, March 2, 2015

Healthy Me Week 8: Cheat Days?

Hi, I'm Em. I'm addicted to sweets.

 Honey, sugar, syrup, fruits--if it is even remotely sweet, I'm going to eat it. So, with today being my birthday, I'm super excited about cake. All kinds of free desserts and coffees and coupons and...
But what about my diet?
I weighed myself (and knowing what week of the month this is), and was expecting a gain. Oh, I got it, alright. A whopping five pounds! All because I let myself go a little, and started celebrating my birthday early.
I don't know why it happens, but I struggle with the idea of 'cheat' days. I mean, how much cheating can I do without completely undoing a week's worth of work?

My Cheat Day Items:
-Ice Cream

Ways I can 'Cheat' without going overboard:
- Two servings of Doritos, instead of sitting down with an open bag
-Three scoops of Ice cream, instead of taking a spoon to the tub
-Pie, without the whipped topping

This is a process for me, Mamas, and I'm glad to have you on my journey. The struggles and triumphs are real, and though they may be small, it's reassuring to know that someone has my back. Staying positive! This is a whole new month!

Last Week- 171 lbs
This Week- 176 lbs