Monday, December 29, 2014

Revamp, Incoming!

Hi, Mamas! What with all my new changes underway in life, (that I will talk about more soon) I felt as if my blog was also in need of a long overdue overhaul, too. A little tweak here, a polish there, and by the time I'm done, it'll be wonderful!
Thanks to someecards, I can finally express my snark properly!

Love to all my Mamas out there, and I hope you're having a great holiday!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Adventures in Breastfeeding #10 :Boobie Time During the Holidays

Hello again, Mamas! I've just come back from 'vacation', and had a wonderful time visiting with my extended family. While I was there, I noticed something that caused little bumps in the visit. My breastfeeding, while voices sang approval, quirked a few eyebrows because of my daughter's age. The following comments rolled from the peanut gallery:
 "Why don't you just give her the bottle?"
"Are you going to breastfeed after she gets teeth?"
And, my personal favorite: "You're going to have a Game of Thrones thing going, aren't you?"

While visiting with my mother and step-father, they didn't bat an eyelash every time I pulled out my breast and let Baby Girl latch on, even if it was for a few minutes. She was, after all, in an unfamiliar place and surrounded by unfamiliar people who wanted to hold her! Isabel can be very shy, and isn't persuaded by strange arms easily. Well, unless you're holding a bottle. Then she loved you! But, back to my point. I let her latch as much as she needed for comfort and nourishment, and my mother's only words were, "Maybe she's big enough for you to put her strictly on the bottle. You pump enough, right?" She had no idea about my supply struggle, so I just nodded and said, "If she'll take one from me seriously, I will consider it."

 Overall, the running theme for my family holiday visit was one of scrutiny and 'helpful' suggestions on weaning. I finally took a stand, and said that I would wean Isabel when -she- wanted, not the other way around. Well, you'd have thought I grew a second head, or something. No one said another word about the topic, but you could tell there was tension in the air. I was glad when the trip was over, after all was said and done. How did you cope with Family Peer Pressure? Were they supportive in the beginning? This situation isn't singular for most Mamas, I'm sure. And, if you came from a breastfeeding family, was the pressure still there to wean after baby was a certain age?
Visions of Milky Sugar Plums...

Hopefully, you all had low-stress holidays, Mamas. New posts coming soon. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Love to all my Mamas out there!

Sunday, December 7, 2014


I promise, I will be writing more after this week. The semester will be over, and I will be able to write about all the things YOU love reading about! See you soon, Mamas!